Between August 1st and November 1st, we accept entries in our poetry book contest. The first place winner receives a publication contract with Brick Road Poetry Press and $1000 prize.

Who do we publish?

We want to publish poets who are engaged in the writing community, including participating in poetry readings, workshops, and writers groups. The poets we are looking for are those who are avid readers (and purchasers) of contemporary poetry. We give preference to poets who are actively submitting their work to journals, magazines and contests, and who take part at writer's conferences/festivals-as an organizer, instructor or participant. Previous publications and/or recognitions can be an indicator of readiness for a book length collection. As a "small press," it's important that we publish poets who are putting themselves and their work out there. We have found that book-length poetry collections are most successful in reaching an appreciative audience when the poet takes an active role in marketing his/her book.

All that said, we would never rule out an emerging poet who demonstrates ability and motivation to move in the direction we described above.

Ends on $30.00

  Check for the full rules and guidelines on our website:

Starting in 2018 we are moving toward blind reading of submissions. While there is always a chance we might recognize the work of a poet, we would like as much is humanly possible to judge the contest without knowing who wrote the manuscript. To that end we request all submission documents omit the author's name from the cover page, the headings, and the content of the poetry.  

· Book-length poetry manuscripts only. Original collection of 50 to 100 pages of poetry, excluding cover page, contents, acknowledgments, etc.

·Deadline: November 1, accepted starting August 1.

·The winner receives a publication contract with Brick Road Poetry Press and $1000 prize, publication in both print and ebook formats, and 25 copies of the printed book. We may also offer publication contracts to the top finalists.

· Simultaneous submissions accepted, provided we are immediately informed if the manuscript is accepted elsewhere.

· Single sided, single spaced. We prefer no more than one poem per page. Numbered pages. Leave off the poet's name.

· Use the title of your collection for the file name.

· Cover letters are welcome, but not required. Our blind submission reading system will hide your cover letter until after we reach our decision. 

  ·Entry fee, $30. If mailing a hard copy, please include a check or money order to "Brick Road Poetry Press, Inc."

Brick Road Poetry Press